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Honey is typically in a liquid form when you purchase it, but all honey eventually returns to its natural, crystallized state. During crystallization, some of the molecules in honey escape from the liquid substance and form crystals that multiply rapidly, causing the honey to change into a solid form. Temperature, air exposure, age, and florals all impact the crystallization rate.
You’ll know that honey has crystallized when it starts to look grainy. If this happens to you, there’s no need to worry! Crystallization is a natural occurrence that only affects honey’s color and texture, and it’s easy to bring the honey back to a soft liquid.
Simply place the bottle of honey in a hot water bath between 55 C to 60 C for a few minutes. The temperature of the water plays a crucial factor, as warm tap water won’t melt the crystals, while boiling water will overheat the honey and may change the overall quality. 🍯😊🌸
“Always Beeloved Honey”

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