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Honey massage is another useful property of honey…

This method came from ancient Tibet. It is based on the interaction of skin and biologically active substances contained in honey, including the standard mechanisms of action of other types of massage. It refers to a variety of reflexology - an amazing combination of the therapeutic effect of bee honey and massage.

Always Beeloved Honey Massage
Honey for massage should be natural

Honey, giving biologically active substances, adsorbs toxins and contributes to their rapid removal from the body. This massage is performed to increase lymph flow and skin cleansing. A dramatic improvement in blood circulation in the deep layers of the skin and underlying muscles helps to improve the nutrition of the internal organs and tissues. The skin after applying the honey massage becomes silky, elastic and smoothed subcutaneous seals, improves the overall condition of the body. The course of honey massage is designed for 15 sessions held every other day. It is very important that the massage is not carried out every day, namely, every other day.

Always Beeloved Honey Massage
Honey Massage

Honey is applied on the palms of the hands and is patched onto the massaged area. Part of the mixture leaves, the other remains on the hands. If there are several such zones, then each zone is massaged in turns. After honey is completely transferred to the body, the palms are firmly “glued” to the body and abruptly come off. Gradually, the clapping movements should become sharper and stronger. Press your hands tight. Respectively and tear them off more sharply. Honey is driven into the skin and only a thin layer remains on the surface. Then a white mass begins to appear on the arms. In the beginning, it comes out of the pores behind the hands and remains on the skin. And then most of the mass goes into the palm. The procedure takes 5–10 minutes. Next, the honey is washed off with warm water and a soft washcloth. After the massage, the skin must be lubricated with a moisturizer.

Always Beeloved Honey Massage
Preparation for honey massage

After the massage, bruises remain in place, which disappear over time. You should not be afraid of it. The procedure is very painful only for the first sessions, then the skin adapts and the massage is much easier.

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