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If we die, we’re taking you with us…

It can disappear …

Many have heard about the butterfly effect – when a minor effect has serious consequences. And one good example of this phenomenon is bees. What do you think will happen to our planet, if at some point these insects do not become? Humanity will remain not only without honey, everything will be much more serious.
Everyone knows that thanks to pollination, biodiversity is created on our plane – 87% of fruits, vegetables and seeds all over the world depend on these small workers.

Natural pollination of flowers

Here are some examples of what can happen:

Coffeemans should be the first defenders of bees.
The main pollinators of coffee are bees, and without them, the supply of these fragrant grains will be drastically reduced, and world companies with loss of profits will have to close production. Without coffee, of course, you can live, it is not a basic product, but in many countries of Latin America in the coffee industry, the majority of the population works. Thus, a world without bees will doom millions of people to unemployment and hunger.
Fans of jeans and non-synthetic clothing are also at risk.
From fabrics containing cotton, more than 60% of women’s and over 75% of men’s clothes are made, and it is bees that pollinate cotton. With the disappearance of this material will have to say goodbye to jeans and T-shirts. Of course, in our world you can come up with artificial fabrics, but then the clothing will become inaccessible at a price to the majority of the population, or you will have to be content with synthetics, in which it is impossible to maintain a comfortable body temperature.

Every fan of steak must grow flowers.
Cattle can be fed with grain, bran and mixed fodder, but without oilseeds (which only bees pollinate), animals will not be able to gain the prescribed weight. Without bees, cows will begin to ache, lose weight, they will have heart problems, and their meat will become tasteless. It is unlikely that you will want to forever abandon your favorite dishes or buy meat grown on hormones.

Beekeeper at work

In shops, a large number of habitual products will disappear.
Some stores in the experiment left on the windows milk products, which theoretically could be accessed without bees. The buyers obviously did not like it, because about 50% of the products simply disappeared. Then the same experiment was done with vegetables and fruits: cabins, apples, carrots and much more were removed from the counters. It is necessary to understand that for the remaining products prices will jump to the skies and cease to be accessible to the majority of the population.

What will happen to people.
The opinions of scientists are divided: some argue that people will not be able to live without bees for a long time, others do not deny that it will cause hunger and unemployment, but mankind will continue to exist. Beekeepers say that sugar can become a substitute for honey, but pollination can not be replaced and it is better to pay more attention to beekeeping and ecology than to spend rabid funds on the development of pollinating robots.

Despite the different opinions, it is quite certain that the world without bees will change, and not for the better. This is another reason to think about the fact that everything created by nature is connected by one chain and the loss of even the insignificant at first sight insect can lead to a global catastrophe.

“If bees disappear on Earth, then in four years the humenity will disappear. There will not be bees – there will not be a humans. ” This phrase is mistakenly attributed to Albert Einstein, despite the fact that for the first time it appeared in print only 40 years after the death of the scientist. And although it was pronounced not by a great physicist, but by another person, no one denies its essence.

Indeed, the death of bees can significantly affect human life.
Today bees “answer” for a third of the world’s harvest, and this applies not only to honey. Many popular publishers state the following: in case of high mortality of insects, beekeeping will become unprofitable, because of this people will stop doing it, and the statistics will become even worse.

If we die, we’re taking you with us

Of course, there are other pollinators – bats, birds, butterflies, but they are not enough to feed the whole of humanity. In a world where there are still bees, there are already many starving.

And do you think that mankind has already made such progress that it will be able to find a substitute for everything, or is it possible to replace what is created by nature by any means?

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