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Meadow or flower honey

From early spring till late autumn, bees collect and process nectar of meadow grasses. This bouquet contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Meadow honey turns out fragrant, tasty and very useful.

As a rule, meadow honey has a golden yellow color (sometimes – yellow-brown), it is distinguished by a very pleasant aroma and sweet taste. It is extremely nutritious and very healthy.

Light varieties are usually sweeter, have a pronounced floral flavor and fruit notes of taste. Dark – contain more iodine and iron. Such a product can have a light, barely noticeable nutty taste.

In the process of crystallization, meadow honey becomes fine-grained and acquires a beige shade. Honey remains fragrant, preserves its taste characteristics and useful properties.

Useful properties of meadow honey are diverse and numerous: first of all, it is an excellent restorative means, and also a strong antimicrobial. Use honey floral to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, it is particularly beneficial it affects the work of the liver, it helps against intestinal disorders. For cosmetic purposes, use excellent bactericidal qualities of this type of honey – it is effective in many external diseases.

This valuable grade of honey is extremely useful for colds: it is widely and successfully used as a therapeutic and preventive agent, it also performs the role of an analgesic. For the organism as a whole, meadow honey is an indispensable fortifying agent that perfectly promotes the formation and strengthening of immunity. The soothing effect of meadow honey on the nervous system is used to effectively treat insomnia, various nervous disorders, help with stress and restlessness.

This wonderful natural medicine rejuvenates and revitalizes the body, being at the same time a wonderful delicacy: fragrant and tasty. Irreplaceable useful properties of flower honey help a person cope with all diseases and unfavorable external conditions, become strong, healthy and happy!


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